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The Hive


  • Full name: The Hive
  • abbreviation: none


Founding information

  • Founding date: 23 May 2023
  • Founded by:
    • Lerpietong
    • Byrobuff
  • Founding Story: (optional)

The Hive branched of off another group called Pyromaniac Fireflies. It started with a Pyromaniac Fireflies base called "The Hive" or also considered as Hive 1. But somehow the base got griefed quickly. So Lerpietong and Byrobuff and some other members of Hive 1 joined forced to form the "The Hive" group. They did this cause they were fed up with the other owners of Pyromaniac Fireflies. They later made Hive 2 and Hive Halloween

Screenshot of Unfinished Hive Halloween

Hive Halloween


  • Built a megabase called Hive 2!
  • Built a base called Hive Halloween!
  • Had some of the mote Notable 6b6t players as builders!


  • Hive 1 (pyromaniac fireflies)
  • Hive 2
  • Hive Halloween
  • Hive 3 (abandoned)
  • Kung Fu Chong Kyoto Hive

Notable Members

  • Lerpietong (founder)
  • Byrobuff (founder)
  • CapyKing10 (leader)
  • Mynainy (leader)
  • lex1on (Epic Builder)
  • hokindo9000 (builder)
  • vined_ (builder)
  • fanlimgames (builder)
  • Fcxkz (builder)
  • Jajo341 (builder)
  • lil__perp (builder)
  • c1yd3i (builder)
  • aleseeq_ (builder)
  • Sharedlines (builder)

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